Monday, June 2, 2014

The Alchemy of Life; A journey towards wholeness

(An inner path to live in Excellence and die in brilliance)

 “Human being is not merely a drop that merges in the Ocean, but a drop that contains the entire ocean”-Rumi

     A journey towards wholeness is akin to a drop encompassing the entire ocean. Such a person contains the potential to become whole by reaching to the level of perfection yet remains an embodiment of perfect humility. He actualizes his full potential yet every moment of his life is filled with awe and childlike wonder. His imagination is powerful and curiosity has no limits. He lives a life in perfect balance and harmony, independent of people’s praises and unaffected by the severity of events; deeply filled with the sense of purpose and meaning. He is immersed in a state of flow when searching for the true-essence and meaning in life.

       A person living a life of excellence has no place for unwholesome states of mind.  Anger, pride, ignorance, aversion and jealousy succumb to compassion, wisdom, acceptance and gratitude. Integrity and honesty are his unwavering traits. He becomes the “man of the moment," free from the worries of the future and pains of the past. Freedom opens the door to perfection and removes all the obstacles to achieve his or her full potential. At this stage, he is passionate to find life’s true purpose and meaning. It’s a yearning to become whole; a longing that prepares the seeker for an ultimate journey; whether it is a journey to unknown or a final journey back home!

How to begin a journey towards the life of brilliance and excellence:

      Living in the conscious awareness of God’s presence is the beginning as well as the end of the journey. The goal is to hush the cacophony of mind and create an accord and harmony by living in the moment. Remember, life only unfolds in the present, in the here and now. Trying to find stillness and silence in mind is the key to freedom and wisdom. This path gradually opens all the doors to brilliance and excellence. Divine gifts of compassion, surrender, acceptance and perfection ultimately come to us one after another.  The frequency of living in the “conscious present” should continue to increase, standing, sitting or lying down. The more time we spend away from our minds, the wiser we become.

 How to live in the present moment:
   The only important moment that can lead us to freedom is the present moment; keeping this goal in mind we can use any of the myriad ways, depending on our personal interest and inclination. Some of the ways are,
·         Establishing a profound relationship with God, fully conscious and available in each moment.

·         Reading scriptures from the holy books and prayers.

·         Practicing religious mantra, glorious names of God as qualities.

·         Spending time in nature (Listen, feel, smell, touch and absorb).

·         Listening to the birds chirping, heart rhythming and wind blowing.

·         Feeling sensations, flow of energy and vigor inside the body.

·          In the moment of stillness be aware with the breathing pattern and or rhythm of the heart.

·         Practicing mindfulness .

·         Learning Yoga, Transcendental meditation, Tai Chi, Qi gong and other art forms.

·         Choosing and practicing personal mantra “peace” “surrender” “Love” “compassion.

 When to begin the journey towards excellence?
Work should begin during childhood:

Every child is born in pure essence. As he grows and interacts with his surroundings, his essence begins to veil under the layers of moral and psychological illnesses. Once the pure-essence is buried deep inside, it becomes harder to get to the core of it. Every effort should be made to protect the essence from getting rusted and making the journey towards self-actualization quicker and smoother.

  When we teach our children to live “in the present," practice compassion and exercise benevolence, it helps develop their inner strength and shield the impact of negative events. In other words, just as the “529 Plan” serves as a financial security for a child’s future education; spiritual practices serve as an emotional security against future’s difficult events. By starting the spiritual journey early, we allow our children to build a positive and nourishing environment, develop inner strength and gain wisdom. Being prepared, they are now ready to deal the difficult situations with patience, ease and intelligence.  Another advantage of commencing an early work is the availability of adequate amount of time and energy to work towards the excellence and realization their full-potential in life.

What if we start at a later age?
        The earlier the better, nevertheless it’s important to tread the path at any age. Walking the path at an advanced age will progress our journey in three stages.
Stage 1: Often times it’s harder to accept our deeper wounds and awful flaws. This beginning stage opens the door to accept and acknowledge our big issues and grants us wisdom to reflect and understand them completely. We recognize that moving on is not possible until we completely resolve our issues and make peace with them.
 Stage 2: After accepting and understanding our wounds the sacred work of purification begins. This whole process prepares us to forgive and seek forgiveness from people and settle our unfinished businesses; Practice compassion, surrender, acceptance and become wiser for our future accomplishments. At this stage we are able to accept things we have never accepted before.
Stage 3: After resolving life’s big issues completely, a journey towards freedom begins; freedom from the fears of losses and fears of criticism and praises. The time has ripened to live a life at full-potential and reach to the highest level of “human-beingness." This is the time to begin the search for life’s big questions; the questions of our true identity, our rightful place and purpose in this vast universe.
       At this stage we are curious about the mysteries of life; mysteries in the outer as well as the inner world and learn to decipher and decode the meanings of events around us.  We come across many “ah-ha” moments and acquire the outlook of a grown up person living among children. Now we understand the essence of things we have never understood before. This knowledge brings deep humility and transforms us completely into the state of surrender and acceptance.  At this point we are ready to embrace everything life unfolds.  We are truly prepared to embark on any trip, whether it is a journey to another dimension or a final journey back home!
    The alchemy of life is now complete. An ordinary man has become the “Homo universalis”. This Universal man is Rumi’s drop that contains the entire ocean. The time has arrived for a drop to become one with the ocean and reveal itself as the majestic manifestation of the magnificent!



Tuesday, November 20, 2012

What is the purpose and meaning of life?

You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold.
 That is how important you are!
Eckhart Tolle

He was exhausted and worn-out. Wild berries and bitter shrubberies failed to offer him enough nutrition. His stomach was empty for almost three days….. Slowly he raised, gathered up the residual strength and set out on another hunting excursion. Searching for the prey and wrestling with weather extremities he slinked through the width and breadth of the thick forest. Another day was passing by and sun was nearly setting. However, the great circle of life wanted to give him another chance…..A few feet ahead, a silhouette of a four legged creature emerged- it was an animal that could easily mollify his agonizing pangs. He knew it was his last chance to survive. Having this epiphany in mind, he soundlessly crept through the grass and fiercely attacked the animal with his strong hands and piercing claws; the animal resisted for a while but soon gave up. Audacity finally paid off and the ultimate feast was ready to be devoured! He quickly filled his ravenous stomach with warm and rare meat, drank fresh water from the running stream and lied down on the plush blanket of satin leaves next to the White Aspen tree. His eyes gazed upon the glorious sky and viewed the sparkling, twinkling and breath-taking stars…calmness and serenity of the starry night heightened his awareness and aroused the thoughtful, intellectual mind. A voice whispered in his mind.

Who am I?

What is the purpose of this vast Universe?

And what is my purpose in this infinite Universe??

     Quest for the self- identity and “life’s ultimate purpose” was primarily emerged in the primitive mind and continued its journey through the eras and eons of human evolutions. Philosophers and intellectuals have been searching for life’s big questions and have tried to answer the age-old conundrums in variety of different ways.

 Writer Henery Miller thought that

“The aim of life is to live and to live means aware, joyously,

drunkenly, divinely aware”.

Nobel Laureate Eli Wiesel writes,

 “If to be free is the most important goal of all than to help someone to be free or become free must be the most sublime and rewarding of human endeavors.”

When the same question was asked to Mr. Shunryu Suzuki- founder of Zen center of San Francisco, he answered “asking the question” is the purpose of life.

What is the purpose of life?

"What?” Is the purpose of life.

The purpose of life is to continue to ask questions. Each of us must find our own meaning by recasting the question over and over again, year by year, day by day, and moment by moment…..

How am I living my life?

Is there a conflict between who I am and who I want to be?

How do I envision myself ten/twenty years from now?

Is my family happy and contented? Are my children growing up as successful and satisfied individuals??

How is my spiritual life moving forward??

Am I evolving myself with each passing day??

Am I serving the creator and his creation the way it should be served??

Do I have a thirst of knowing the reality of things around me??

How can I attain a drop of wisdom from the infinite ocean of knowledge???

      Seeking for answers opens our hearts to the mysteries of life. Each of us must find our own meaning by keeping the inquiry alive every year, every day and every moment. Having a child-like wonder, awe and reverence keeps us truly alive and present in each moment.  According to one Zen master

 “Purpose of life is to live every day and every moment with hope and joy, simply appreciating the extraordinariness of the ordinary.”

   We must try to unlock the power of the “present moment” by breaking the old pattern of living in our minds. Past and future are not always required. We should make a habit to withdraw our attention from these two time-zones. Rightly said by Rumi,

 “Past and future veil God from our sight; burn up both of them with fire”.

Meister Eckhart, the thirteenth-century spiritual teacher is in complete harmony with Rumi

“Time is what keeps the light from reaching us. There is no greater obstacle to God than time.”

    By breaking our ties with not so wanted time-zones, staying in present moment and keeping the periodic self-inquiry alive we may come to see more clearly the meaning and purpose of life day by day and moment by moment.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Reflection (Taffakur) on Great Words from Great Religions
If you want to Draw Near to God
If you wish to draw near to God,
Seek him in the hearts of those around you.
Speak well of all, present or absent.
If you would be a light for others,
Be like a sun: show the same face to all.
This is the true lover of God,
Who lives with others,
Rises and eats and sleeps like others,
Gives and takes in the Bazaar,
Yet never forgets God even for a moment.
(Abu Sa’id)

Let me walk in the beauty

Let me walk in the beauty

And let my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset.

Make my hands respect the things you have made
And my ears grow sharp to hear your voice.
Make me wise so that I may understand the things
You have taught my people.
Let me learn the lesson you have hidden
in every leaf and rock.
I seek strength not to be greater than my brother or sister
but to fight my greatest enemy, myself.
Make me always ready
To come to you with clean hands and straight eyes
So when the life fades as the fading sunset
My spirit may come to you without shame.
(Native American Tradition)


Reflection (Taffakur) on Great  Words from Great Religions
Finding Unity

Those who know do not speak;
Those who speak do not know.

Stop up the opening,
Close down the doors,

Rub off the sharp edges.
Unravel all confusion.

Harmonize the light,
Give up contention:

This is called finding the unity of life.
When love an d hatred cannot affect you,

Profit and loss cannot touch you,
Praise and blame cannot ruffle you,

You are honored by all the world.
 Let Nothing Upset You
Let nothing upset you;
Let nothing frightened you.
Everything is changing;
God alone is changeless.
Patience attains the goal.
Who has God lacks nothing;
God alone suffice you
(Saint Teresa of Avila)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tafakkur (Contemplation)

Taffakur (Contemplation)



Will know


       Tafakkur literally means to think on a subject deeply and in great detail, to admire and appreciate every aspect of a given thought. Contemplation is the heart’s lamp; a light that illuminates the inner as well as the outer surroundings and enables the light bearer to fathom the reality and true nature of things. It’s the golden key to unlock the secrets hidden inside our hearts and outside in the ever-expending universe

     ” It is through reflection that the universe becomes a book to study, and the verses of Quran disclose their deeper meanings and secrets more clearly. Without reflection, the heart is darkened, the spirit is exasperated, and religion is lived at such a superficial level that it is devoid of meaning and profundity".


M. Fethullah Gulen, “Key concepts in the practice of Sufism”


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us" Ralph Waldo Emerson

  Tafakkur occurs when we turn the eye of our awareness inward, towards the heart, knowing that this is where Allah the most high dwells. Prophet Mohammad (SAW) described reflection as the most worthy of all the acts.

No act of worship is as meritorious as reflection, so reflect on the God’s bounties and works of his power”

Another verse in Quran invites us to reflect upon the creation of the universe,
They reflect on the creation of the heavens and Earth (3:190)

By drawing our attention to the creation and calling us to reflect on the book of the Universe, Quran offers one of the most profound ways to discover the divine mysteries and gain true knowledge of the self—a way to become a perfect universal human being.

“Wherever you turn, there is the radiantly beautiful Face of Allah (Holy Quran, 2:115).”

    Quran grants numerous opportunities for those who contemplate. Here are some of the verses to be reflected in our still and serene moments.

Reflection on the verses of Light:

 “Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth (Holy Qur’an, 24:35


Reflection on Nature:

Lo! In the creation of the heavens and the earth and in the difference of night and day are tokens of His Sovereignty for men of understanding.

Quran 3:190

Reflection on the Power of Allah:

 "When He wills a certain thing, He commands it 'Be!' and it is" (36:82)

          The entire Quran calls us to contemplate on the countless manifestations of Allah's majesty and our fragility.  Every day we observe that someone is dying while other is surviving; someone is succeeding while other is failing and someone is healing while other is ailing. Human life is unpredictable and fragile, every minute and every second of the day we are dependent on His will and mercy to survive.

         Consequently, we are also invited to reflect upon our “place” in this colossal universe. The vast ever-expending universe with billions of heavenly bodies and in the midst of the massively gigantic universe, exists an insignificantly small planet Earth—an abode for innumerable life-forms. Among them one life form is called "Human".  Human who considers himself the most powerful and the most intelligent of all creations—alas, in reality he is unable to guarantee the next living moment on planet earth- This is how insignificant and vulnerable He is!!!

       Being a reflective entity, we are required to derive lessons from the countless occurrences and contemplate upon our insignificance and Allah’s magnificence.  Without His blessings and bounties our existence is absolutely impossible. Those who drive their lessons through introspection progress towards submission and ultimately attain the infinite tranquility.