Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tafakkur (Contemplation)

Taffakur (Contemplation)



Will know


       Tafakkur literally means to think on a subject deeply and in great detail, to admire and appreciate every aspect of a given thought. Contemplation is the heart’s lamp; a light that illuminates the inner as well as the outer surroundings and enables the light bearer to fathom the reality and true nature of things. It’s the golden key to unlock the secrets hidden inside our hearts and outside in the ever-expending universe

     ” It is through reflection that the universe becomes a book to study, and the verses of Quran disclose their deeper meanings and secrets more clearly. Without reflection, the heart is darkened, the spirit is exasperated, and religion is lived at such a superficial level that it is devoid of meaning and profundity".


M. Fethullah Gulen, “Key concepts in the practice of Sufism”


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us" Ralph Waldo Emerson

  Tafakkur occurs when we turn the eye of our awareness inward, towards the heart, knowing that this is where Allah the most high dwells. Prophet Mohammad (SAW) described reflection as the most worthy of all the acts.

No act of worship is as meritorious as reflection, so reflect on the God’s bounties and works of his power”

Another verse in Quran invites us to reflect upon the creation of the universe,
They reflect on the creation of the heavens and Earth (3:190)

By drawing our attention to the creation and calling us to reflect on the book of the Universe, Quran offers one of the most profound ways to discover the divine mysteries and gain true knowledge of the self—a way to become a perfect universal human being.

“Wherever you turn, there is the radiantly beautiful Face of Allah (Holy Quran, 2:115).”

    Quran grants numerous opportunities for those who contemplate. Here are some of the verses to be reflected in our still and serene moments.

Reflection on the verses of Light:

 “Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth (Holy Qur’an, 24:35


Reflection on Nature:

Lo! In the creation of the heavens and the earth and in the difference of night and day are tokens of His Sovereignty for men of understanding.

Quran 3:190

Reflection on the Power of Allah:

 "When He wills a certain thing, He commands it 'Be!' and it is" (36:82)

          The entire Quran calls us to contemplate on the countless manifestations of Allah's majesty and our fragility.  Every day we observe that someone is dying while other is surviving; someone is succeeding while other is failing and someone is healing while other is ailing. Human life is unpredictable and fragile, every minute and every second of the day we are dependent on His will and mercy to survive.

         Consequently, we are also invited to reflect upon our “place” in this colossal universe. The vast ever-expending universe with billions of heavenly bodies and in the midst of the massively gigantic universe, exists an insignificantly small planet Earth—an abode for innumerable life-forms. Among them one life form is called "Human".  Human who considers himself the most powerful and the most intelligent of all creations—alas, in reality he is unable to guarantee the next living moment on planet earth- This is how insignificant and vulnerable He is!!!

       Being a reflective entity, we are required to derive lessons from the countless occurrences and contemplate upon our insignificance and Allah’s magnificence.  Without His blessings and bounties our existence is absolutely impossible. Those who drive their lessons through introspection progress towards submission and ultimately attain the infinite tranquility.



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